Crime Alert – Attempted Burglary

A Ponderosa Hills residence on Inspiration was nearly broken into on Wednesday, January 8th at 11:00 AM.  The husband who had just left the house saw the vehicle of the would-be burglar pass as he was leaving the driveway.  His wife, who was home, then saw an arm open the door to their garage.  Thinking it was her husband coming back she called to him which caused the arm to disappear and burglar to flee.  Both the husband and wife got a good look at the burglar’s truck, – a leaf-green, older, small pickup, possibly a Ford Ranger.  It had a silver tool box in the bed under the rear window.  Please be alert for this vehicle and any suspicious activity should be reported to the Douglas County Sheriff immediately.  If you believe a crime is in progress, dial 911 or 303-660-7500 if you’re suspicious.


Break-ins in Ponderosa Hills are becoming more brazen with a number occurring recently.  It’s imperative to stay alert and please, when you get the PHCA Newsletter, send in your membership form and sign up for participation in the Safety Committee and Neighborhood Watch program to learn more about the specific actions you can take to safeguard your home and your neighborhood.